Have your say
A discussion paper and online submission form seeks your feedback on improving industry engagement in vocational education and training. This is the first of many opportunities to provide your feedback, views and thoughts on improving VET. There will be online workshops with stakeholders and pulse surveys on targeted issues occurring throughout the consultation period.
Areas for discussion are:
Qualification reform – Simplifying, rationalising and streamlining national VET qualifications across industry occupation clusters and the AQF Issues
Quality reform – Strengthening quality standards, building RTO capacity for continuous improvement, and developing a VET workforce quality strategy
Enhanced industry engagement – Introducing improved industry engagement arrangements
Micro-credentials – Developing nationally accredited micro-credentials and skill-sets and supporting lifelong learning through integrated tertiary education system
Foundation skills – Strengthening support for foundation skills and ensuring access for all Australians with low levels of language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy
For more information please visit: dese.gov.au/skills-reform-consultation