Click in each of the images below to listen to each of their stories.
Amy is a Zone Substation Electrical Technician with Essential Energy. Listen to Amy’s story.
Brooke is a 3rd year Mechanical apprentice with AGL. Listen to Brooke’s story.
Jennifer is the Director Skills Excellence Network – Construction at TAFE NSW. Jennifer was also an electrical trades teacher and a former electrician. Listen to Jennifer’s story.
Kailee is the Resourcing Advisor, People Culture and Safety at Transgrid. Listen to Amy’s story.
Karina is an Apprentice Zone Substation Technician with Essential Energy. She previously completed a qualified Powerline Worker trade qualificaation and is undertaken her 2nd trade. Listen to Karina’s story.
Kristin is a 3rd year Electrical apprentice with AGL. Listen to Kristin’s story.
Lucinda is an Electrician and advocate for women and indigenous people in trades. She has been a Training Awards winner and works at Kone Cranes. Listen to Lucinda’s story.
Mikayla is the Head Pastry Chef at the Langham Hotel Sydney. Listen to Mikayla’s story.
Nicky is the WHS and Labour Manager at Family Fresh Farms. Listen to Nicky’s story.
Vicki is the CEO at Goldfields Honey. Listent to Vicki’s story.
Listen to the full group discuss and share their stories and thoughts about the value and prospects of women taking up a non-traditional career.
Manufacturing, Agrifood and Electrotechnology (MAE) Career Pathfinders Project – RESOURCES